Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Supreme Court Asked to Weigh Redskins Case...

Native American activists are trying to get the Supreme Court involved in its long-running dispute with the Washington Redskins about whether the team's name is so offensive that it does not deserve trademark protection. Read the article here...

1. Why do you think Native Americans still feel very strongly about how they are betrayed in American pop culture?

2. What do you think about Native American names, symbols, etc. being used as sports team mascots?

1 comment:

  1. 1.I think that Native Americans still feel very strongly about how they are betrayed in American pop culture because they are portrayed as weak clueless people when the Indians were actually very intelligent.but . In movies and pictures Native Americans are shown running around naked, screaming, with weapons. When the Europeans discovered the Americas, their object was to gain the trust of the Native Americans then take advantage of that trust. So many people in todays society feel that the Indians were clueless to trust the Europeans and show them were the valuable golds were.
    2.I think a part of me still fell like the Native American people, I mean the Indians were living comfortable and peaceful in the Americas, then here come the Europeans stealing the Natives valuable golds and stripping them from their dignity. The Europeans almost killed off all of the Native Americans. now were using their faces on as mascots and on products, just to make a buck.
